Thursday, December 8, 2011

Hello i wanna travel 2 bkok i have atm card in my country will it work in thai,or do i need 2 open a bank acc?

Thai ATMs will accept all the major credit and debit cards (Visa, Mastercard etc). You may also go to a bank or exchange booth, show your passport and withdraw money. A copy of your passport will be taken as proof of identity.

You may find however, as has happened to me before, that your local bank (in the UK?) blocks the transaction. This is to prevent fraud as the system does not recognise you are indeed overseas and suspects your card has been stolen. All you need to do is inform your bank of your plans prior to departure.

You may also open up a local bank account in Thailand (whether you have a work permit or not). It will be a savings account which gives you a debit card. All you need is your passport and around 500 baht (拢7) for a deposit.|||what the...............|||Ask this same question of the people at your bank. I would bet some banks would answer "yes" and some "no".|||Yes as long as it has the Visa or mater card logo|||Are you hoping someone who works for your bank is reading this? Ask your bloody bank. And learn to spell.|||I would carry a small amt of travelers checks, depending on the currency in your country - my ATM card works everywhere in Thailand and there are many many outlets - - the only problem I have had is that occasionally, if the weather is bad, the satellite connection cannot be made and I cannot take out $$ - so, best to have some back-up either in the form of dollars or Euros etc.. but like they say above, it can't hurt to check w/your bank.. mastercard and visa are good..|||it should work. but u may face some technical problems like the system connection.|||Thai ATM accept only the atm of the bank account in Thailand and VISA or MASTERCARD.|||sure you need to open one, dont forget to bring your certificate of birth|||When in Thailand last summer I used my ATM all the time. You get much better exchange rate that way. If your ATM card has a visa or mater card logo you should be fine...if I remember correctly, also the star symbol worked for us. Have fun!|||You can use your atm card if your atm card is meant for international use. Check with your bank. If not, have your bank issue you with one for international use.|||It will work if it has a Visa or Mastercard logo on it. Look for the big yellow signs for the ATM. There was no extra charge. If I go to the local ATM at my nearest convenience store it charges $1.50. I do in the middle of nowhere Thailand and there's no charge.鈥?/a>|||I only travel with a master card, a visa card and a switch card.

all the banks in Thailand have atm's and it is no more expensive than traveller cheques it works out better over there just advise your bank you wish to use your card and they'll check if it is OK.

only use the registered kiosks and banks in Thailand and you 'll be safe|||If your bank's card is with the Mastercard group you will have no worries. I used my atm card in Thailand without worry. There are ATM's everwhere.|||Visa and Mastercard ATM cards work almost everwhere in Bangkok. Only the larger stores accept them so it is more convenient to carry Thai money. Try to use the ATMs at banks only and while the bank is open. There have been scams where card readers have been inserted in ATM slots. They read your card and pin number then print phony cards sometimes in other countries. It is complicated to open a bank account there with each bank having it's own set of rules.|||Yes, your ATM will work anywhere. I didn't have any problems with mine and no one should..|||yep it will

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